Are you ready to embark on a challenging journey through the scriptures? Introducing "The Challenges of Understanding the Bible," an online course designed to empower you with insights into the ancient scriptures!

Delve into the profound mysteries that have captivated minds for centuries. Randall Worley, well known bible teacher, will guide you through an exploration of the most challenging aspects of the Bible.

Discover the secrets concealed within sacred texts and gain a deeper understanding of their historical context, symbolism, and significance. Develop a new perspective on the stories and teachings that have shaped civilizations and transformed lives.

For many years Randall Worley has had a passion for biblical scholarship. His teaching style will break down complex concepts into easily digestible lessons, ensuring you grasp the difficult text in scripture.

Do you find certain passages puzzling or conflicting? This course equips you with the tools to address challenging topics head-on, fostering a deeper comprehension of the Bible's narrative, morality, and relevance in today's world.

Join a vibrant community of learners: Engage in thought-provoking discussions, exchange ideas, and connect with like-minded individuals on this transformative learning journey. Together, we'll unravel the enigmas of the Bible and create a supportive environment for personal growth.

Sign up today and gain immediate access to Randall Worley's invitation to his journey as a spiritual searcher. 

Don't miss this chance to embark on an incredible adventure of biblical understanding.

Session One

Before we can understand what scripture means to us we must first understand what it meant to whom it was first written. Context is critical to understanding. The bible was written by 40 different authors ranging from shepherds to kings over a period of 1,800 years. The writing genres include history, biography, poetry, metaphor, and prophecy. A flat literal reading of scripture that ignores the various literary styles can result in serious misinterpretation. 

Session Two

Are there contradictions and inconsistencies in the Bible? Does the bible itself support biblical inerrancy? Raising questions about inerrancy does not undermine the integrity of scripture but allows us to humbly and honestly ask questions.  N.T. Wright reminds us that Jesus did not say, “All authority in heaven and on earth is not given unto a book you chaps are going to write.” All power in heaven and earth was given to Jesus. Or as Origen, an early church father puts it when faced with things that are difficult to reconcile. "always seek a meaning worthy of God." 

Session Three

The Bible is not God or the fourth member of the trinity. The bible is the word of God that attest that Jesus Christ is The Word of God. 
Jesus alone is perfect theology. Anything you find in scripture that appears to contradict the character of God must bow to Jesus. We must start with Jesus not the bible. Jesus is Lord, not the bible.